
How to Promote your Website through Article Submission to Article Directories


Article directories provide a great stock of Online Articles   covering virtually every topic you can ever imagine.

These articles are made available by various authors who continue to write and submitarticles based on their experiences, interests, ideas and knowledge.

As a result of this huge data base of articles covering various topics in different niches optimized with relevant keywords, these web directories receive high volume of searches from search engines. Consequently they are highly ranked on search engines.

Therefore, any webmaster who seeks to promote his website, gain more  exposure, build quality back links, and generate more traffic can utilize the opportunity provided by these directories.

By submitting your articles to these free web directories  and filling the author bio data section with your website links you would automatically get  quality backlinks for your site.
Articles Submission to article directories could also earn web traffic to your site depending on the quality of your posts and the level of interest they provoke.

To benefit maximally from your articles submitted, you need to observe these three steps:

 1.    Create and submit quality contents

For your articles to attract large audience and generate greater interest, they must be quality contents which seek to address particular needs and attempt to give solution to problems commonly associated with internet users.

i.                    A Quality content should be unique
ii.                  It should seek to  solve problems or provide answer to questions
iii.                It should be free from grammatical and spelling errors
iv.                 It should be interesting and probably entertaining
v.                   It should be easy to read and should provide clear ideas
vi.                 It should be precise and accurate and not too lengthy
vii.               It should have a target audience with the use of right keywords 
viii.             It should be current

      2.  Carefully Read Obey the rules of the particular Directory

Many article submission sites have specific rules authors are expected t observe before submitting their articles. The rules may vary in different directories, but your duty is to pay attention to such rules as;
i.                    submitting to the right category
ii.                  whether links are allowed in the article body or not
iii.                whether they accept article submitter software or not
iv.                 the minimum and maximum length of article accepted, the measurement could be by number of words or characters
v.                   how long it would take before your article is approved and then published

If you diligently observe their rules then you would have successfully avoided the danger of having your article rejected or losing your account.

       3.  Carefully fill the author Bio Data form

This section is very vital and justifies the the reason for all your writing and submitting efforts. Skipping to fill the Author resource section is almost equal to wasting time and energy.

Hence your need to immediately follow your call to action which is expected to conclude your article with provide the links to your website or your landing page.

Interested readers who want more of you and your articles can easily find a means, by clicking on your links.

Final Words

To promote your websites by submitting articles to article directories you need need to;
  1. write unique and quality contents
  2. observe the necessary rules required by the particular directory
  3. Remember to include links to your website in the author bio data section

You can start submitting your articles to these best 10 article directories

I hope this article helped. You can please include a comment below.

How to Promote your Website through Article Submission to Article Directories How to Promote your Website through Article Submission to Article Directories Reviewed by Great Ibe on 14:57 Rating: 5


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